Sunday, July 29, 2018

“Jesus and I” (John 6:1-15) - Healing Hands V –

“Michel and I”
One time Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan scored 63 points in one game. After the game, a reporter interviewed one of his teammates, Scottie Pippen. The reporter asked, “What’s the highlight of your life so far?” Pippen answered without hesitation, “Today’s game is the highlight of my life because Michael and I together got 65 points!”

5 Loaves vs. 5000 People
We, as an individual and as a church, often feel that what we have is so limited, whereas the needs of the world around us are so great. In today’s scripture the disciples worried about their limited amount of food and how it could reach a growing crowd. They said, “We only have five small barley loaves, but what good is that with this huge 5000 crowd?” (9) Like the disciples, we often feel like what we have is 5 loaves, and the challenges we are facing are like 5000 people. So we worry. We feel overwhelmed and powerless and say, “I have only such and such, but what good is that with this great need? What should I do now?” Thankfully, today’s story gives an answer to this question. In particular, I want you to pay attention to the following four verbs that Jesus used: “take,” “give thanks,” “break” and “give.”[1] (cf. Matt 14:19; Mk 6:41; Lk 9:16; Jn 6:11)

First, Jesus takes what we bring to him. The story of feeding the 5000 is written in all four gospels. In fact, in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus asks his disciples, “How much bread do you have? Go and see! (6:38)” Here Jesus gently invites us to think about what we already have. His point is not to literally check and count how much bread we have. For Jesus, five loaves or seven loaves – it doesn’t matter. His point is for us to see what we are already given. Because so many times we tend to focus on what we don’t have: Our church is so small. We don’t have enough money to meet the budget or do missions. We don’t have young people. We don’t have children and youth. Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples, had a similar mindset. He basically said to Jesus, “In order to feed all these people, eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread.” He focused on what he didn’t have. But then, another disciple, Andrew did go and see to find something what he had. And he found one boy. He brought the boy to Jesus. Jesus took what the boy brought to him – five loaves and two fish. Jesus takes what we bring to him – our bread, our prayer, our work, our strength, our weakness, our hunger, whatever we are. Jesus takes who we are.

“Give thanks”
Jesus then gives thanks for what we bring. He blesses and celebrates. He doesn’t criticize or condemn or reject our offering, who we are in our bringing. Jesus welcomes us just as we are. God loves us not because we did something good or impressive for him. God just loves us even before we commit our lives to him. When Israel, God’s people, was still in their sins, God said to them through Prophet Zephaniah, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (3:17) Our giving does not change God; it changes us. In today’s passage Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread to feed all these people?” Jesus said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do. Here Jesus was inviting Philip to see the way he saw.

A few years ago, in an interview Dallas Willard was asked about the challenges facing the church. Dr. Willard spent much of his life addressing the problem of why the church isn't raising up more people who look and act like Jesus. At the end of that two-hour interview, Willard was asked this pointed question: "When you look at how off track the church is, do you ever just throw up your hands in despair?" Willard smiled and said, "Never." "But how can you not?" the interviewer asked. "Because," he said, "I know Christ is the head of his church and he knows what he's doing."[2] Jesus knows his church. Jesus knows us. And he loves us even before we turn to him. But when we turn and come to him, when we bring ourselves to him, we hear him say, “You are my beloved child. I am well pleased with you!”  

Jesus takes and gives thank for what we bring. But then Jesus breaks what we bring to him. Once we ourselves are in Jesus’ hands, we are not permitted to remain self-sufficient. We ought to be broken or pruned first before feeding the world. I like the story of “mashed potato love” told by Juan Carlos Ortiz. I know many of you in this room are very familiar with potatoes. Hope this analogy helps us to understand what it means to be broken. The story goes like this. As you know, in growing potatoes, each potato plant in the garden has three, four, five or more potatoes under it. Each individual potato belongs to one particular plant or another. When the potatoes are ready for harvest, we dig up all the potatoes and put them into one sack. Now they are all “regrouped” – but they are not yet “united.” They may say, “Oh, praise the Lord! Now we’re all in the same sack.” But they are still not yet one! To prepare the potatoes for use, they must be washed and peeled. Now they think they are closer yet. They may say, “How nice is this love among us!” But that’s not all. Next they must be cut in pieces and mixed. They have now lost a lot of their individuality. However, what God wants is mashed potatoes. Not many potatoes, but “one” mashed potato! The word “I” no longer exists, but only “we” do.[3] So we become one with Christ, and one with each other. In John 12:24 Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

Jesus takes, gives thank, break, and then he gives back what we bring to him. But it is no longer what we brought. Something happened. It’s new creation, new bread that feeds thousands of people.

Do you remember how God fed the Israelites in the wilderness? God said to Moses, “In the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will have all the bread you want.” But Moses said, “I’m with 600,000 people on foot… Even if we butchered all our flocks and herds, would that satisfy them? Even if we caught all the fish in the sea, would that be enough?” Then God said, “Is the Lord’s power limited? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true.” Then what happened? Now a wind set in motion by GOD swept quails in from the sea. They piled up to a depth of about three feet in the camp and as far out as a day's walk in every direction (cf. Num 11:16-23). So they all ate and were satisfied. It’s still a mystery how Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fish. But the Bible says, “They all ate and were satisfied” (cf. Mt 14:20). And it still happens today when we share what Jesus gives back to us.

“Jesus and I”
In today’s passage there is a boy who could be easily missed. It seems like he is from ordinary or even poor family. At that time, barley bread was very common, and it was typically for low class people. And the Greek word used for the fish the boy had was opsarion, which meant very small fish. So if this kind of fish was caught in the net, people released it back into the water. What the boy had – five loaves and two fish – was not great, but it was everything he had. By faith the boy brought what he had to Jesus. He had no idea what Jesus would do with it. But he had faith that Jesus would do something with it. Jesus wants us to have this faith: “If I bring what I have to him, he will do something with it.” Once one of my colleagues encouraged me to put the boy’s shoes on and asked me an interesting question. She said, “Have you ever thought what the boy would tell the story to his parents after coming back home?” Do you think he would simply say, “Mom, Dad, today Jesus fed the 5,000?” Probably not! He would say with excitement, “Mom and dad, today Jesus and I together did feed thousands of people!!!”

Through today’s story Jesus invites us to a rich and satisfying life. What do you see? Do you see what you don’t have? Or do you see what you have? For instance, let’s think about our church. Our church may not have enough young people, but we do have quite a few active and devoted senior members. Our church may not have enough money and resources, but we do have a good lay leadership. Each of us in this room has something to offer, something to share. This morning Jesus says to us, “Bring them here to me.” Jesus takes, gives thanks, breaks, and gives back. And all are satisfied. So what do you have? Let us bring them here to Jesus. And we will say with great excitement, “Jesus and I together did feed all these people!” With Jesus all things are possible. Amen.

[1] I must give credit to Eugene Peterson for how he expounds those four verbs as the pattern for our lives in his book Living the Resurrection: The Risen Christ in Everyday Life, kindle location 767-797 of 1446.
[2] Skye Jethani, Immeasurable: Reflections on the Soul of Ministry in the Age of Church, Inc. (Moody Publishers, 2017), 49.
[3] Juan Carlos Ortiz, Disciple (Creation House, 1975), 60-64.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

“Life Saver” (Mark 6:30-34; 53-56) - Healing Hands IV –

Are you well-rested? Or in Wesley’s term, “How is it with your soul today?” In his talebook the Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery tells us about how much we are restless with our lives. In the story the little prince, who came from a tiny planet known as “B-612” on earth, visit six different planets, each of which is inhabited by a single, irrational, narrow-minded adult:

  • A king with no subjects, who only issues orders that can be followed, such as commanding the sun to set at sunset.
  • A narcissistic man who only wants the praise which comes from admiration and being the most-admirable person on his otherwise uninhabited planet. 
  • A drunkard who drinks to forget the shame of drinking. 
  • A businessman who is blind to the beauty of the stars and instead endlessly counts and catalogs them in order to "own" them all. 
  • A lamplighter on a planet so small, a full day lasts a minute. He wastes his life blindly following orders to extinguish and relight the lamppost every 30 seconds to correspond with his planet's day and night. 
  • An elderly geographer who has never been anywhere, or seen any of the things he records, providing a caricature of specialization in the contemporary world.

Then the prince eventually arrives on earth. The narrator describes the earth as follows: “Earth is not a simple planet! There are 111 kings, 7,000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7,500,000 drunkards and 311,000,000 vain men. In total, there are about 2,000,000,000 adults.”[1] In other words, the earth is basically filled with those who are restless. Bonhoeffer rightly describes people’s restless condition today in this way: “There are questions but no answers, distress but no relief, anguish of conscience but no deliverance, tears but no consolation, sin but no forgiveness.”[2] Many are wandering like sheep without a shepherd.

But there is a remedy for this restlessness! This morning Jesus invites us, saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28)

Into the Boat
Today’s passage tells us how Jesus gives us rest in our busy, distracted lives. At that time so many people were coming and going. Jesus and his disciples didn’t even have time to eat. So what was the remedy? Jesus said, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (31). At least two things are needed to rest: (1) We need a time to be alone (“by yourselves”), and (2) we need a quiet place (“to a quiet place”). Since there was constant coming and going, for Jesus and his disciples they had to take a boat – to be by themselves in a quiet place. Verse 32 says, “So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone” (NLT).

What does it look like to take a boat? What is your “boat” – to be alone in a quiet place – in order to rest? Sometimes it is very hard to find a time and place to get away. For me, every time I feel overwhelmed, I try to follow the example of Susanna Wesley, mother of John Wesley. She got married to a preacher. Sam and Susanna had 19 children to raise. One of their children was crippled. Another couldn’t talk until he was nearly six years old. Susanna herself was desperately sick most of her life. There was no money for food or anything. Debt plagued them. Sam was once thrown into prison because their debt was so high. Twice their houses were burned to the ground, losing everything they owned. Someone slit their cow’s udders so they wouldn’t have milk, killed their dog, and burned their flax field. It seemed almost impossible for Susanna to rest. She worked the gardens, milked the cow, schooled the children and managed the entire house herself. She struggled to find a quiet place and time to get away with the Lord. So what she did was to use her apron for her prayer time. She advised her children that when they saw her with her apron over her head, that meant she was in prayer and couldn’t be disturbed. No matter how hard life was, she always found a time and place to get away with Christ. For Susanna, the apron was her boat. Do you have your boat to get away with the Lord?

Is Jesus in Your Boat?
If we read Mark 6 we find a very interesting rhythm of life. First, the disciples are sent out to do God’s work. After they come back, they take a boat to rest. Then, they work and feed 5,000. After that, again they take a boat. Then, they work, healing the sick and preaching the good news in Gennesaret. Working – Boating – Working – Boating – Working… Here the disciples take the boat at least twice to rest. But there is a big difference between the two. What is it? First time they get in the boat with Jesus (cf. v.32), but second time without Jesus (cf. v.45ff). So when they got in the boat for the second time, they were not able to rest, even though they were by themselves in a quiet place. Instead, they were absolutely restless. The Bible says, “He [Jesus] saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves” (v. 48a).

Like the disciples, even though we take a vacation to rest, we often go back weary and exhausted. We often feel like we are rowing hard and struggling against the wind and problems – relationship problems, family problems, school problems, work problems, financial problems, health problems, and so on. And we feel overwhelmed and restless. Into such a situation of darkness, Jesus comes walking on the sea and approach our boat. And what he does is to change our minds, especially about him, rather than our circumstances. The Bible says that the disciples’ hearts were hardened, so when Jesus was approaching, they didn’t recognize him. Instead, they thought it was a ghost and were terrified. But then Jesus said to them, “It is I. Do not be afraid.” Then they were willing to take Him into their boat. The wind ceased. The gospel of Matthew concludes this same story in this way: “And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."’ (14:33)

Boating with Jesus
The real issue is not outside of the boat. It’s in the boat. It’s within us. It has to do with our minds, our perspectives, our mindsets. That’s why the Bible says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” That’s what we need. That’s what Jesus does for us.

In his book The Rest of God Mark Buchanan shares the story of Jason. One day a woman called Pastor Mark about her 12-year-old stepson. So the next day Mark met with the woman and Jason. The stepmom recited all the stepson’s wrongdoing: outright defiance. Abusive language. Extreme withdrawal. Vandalism. Threats and violence toward her and her daughter. Stealing money and so on. After five minutes, Pastor Mark realized that he was in trouble. So he prayed with eyes open. As he was praying for wisdom, the story of Solomon came to his mind. So he told the story of two prostitutes who had a dispute over their sons. Then he asked Jason, “Who do you think was the real mother?” Jason answered without blinking, “The woman who gave the child away.” Mark said, “Jason, you’re right. How did you know?” “Well,” Jason said, “because she didn’t want the baby killed.” Mark said, “Right, she loved her child so much, she’d rather see him alive and whole in another woman’s arms than dead and dismembered in her own.” Then, he continued, “Jason, was that your mother? Was that what she did with you? She’d rather lose you by giving you away than lose you in a worse way by trying to keep you?” Jason sat straight up. Light flooded him. His angry, bitter, ugly face turned youthful and hopeful. Jason’s circumstances never changed. The only thing that changed was his mind.[3]

Many of us think we believe in Jesus. But more important question is, “Which Jesus do you believe in?” In 2 Corinthians 5:16 the Apostle Paul says, “From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way.” Once Jesus’ disciples looked at Jesus that way – good moral teacher, blessing-giver, and so on – and got it all wrong. Over the years Jesus changed their minds. And finally they knew him as the Son of God.

So which Jesus do you believe in today? Jesus is the Son of God. He came as the Lifesaver into this troubled world. We were helpless, restless. But to save us, Jesus died for us, the sinners. He shed his own blood so we could be forgiven. Not only that, but also Jesus rose from the dead! He opened the gate of heaven to everyone who believes in him. Even in the midst of the storm of life’s problems Jesus is able to give you peace and rest. He is able to bring you safely on your journey. So will you let him into your boat? If you are willing, please join me in this prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I need you!
Thank you for coming as the Savior to this troubled world.
Thank you for dying for me and forgiving me of all my sins.
Lord Jesus, I believe in You. I receive You right now.
Fill me with peace and be with me on my life’s journey.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

[1] Antoined de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince  (Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing, 2018), Kindle Locations 503-505 of 851.
[2] Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship (New York: Macmillan, 1963), 224.
[3] Mark Buchanan, The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath (Thomas Nelson, 2006), 31-32.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

“Send Forth” (Mark 6:7-13) - Healing Hands II -

Church Today
In 2017 Barna research reported the number of born again Christians has declined in recent years. Barna used three criteria to evaluate who is born-again: (1) if a person has confessed their personal sin, (2) asked Jesus Christ to save them, and (3) believes they will live eternally in Heaven only because of His grace toward them. Barna reported that the proportion of adults who meet the born again criterion has been on a downward trajectory since 2010. As you see the chart on the screen, for about 20 years from 1991 through 2010, an average of 40% of the adult population in the US qualified as born again. Since that time, however, the number has been declined. The 2017 average indicates that just 31% of adults are born again. If we analyze demographic data by age group, this trend would be going to be worse in the near future, because America’s older generations are more likely to be born again than are younger adults. That means, as older Americans pass away, the population proportion of younger adults will increase, continuing to reduce the number of born again Christians in the years to come.[1] Beyond these numbers, a real crisis of faith today is this: Basic Christian beliefs are now considered strange, irrelevant, extreme, and in some cases, dangerous by mainstream American culture.[2]

But in fact, this is not new. In Jesus’ time Jesus and his followers were often rejected, hated, persecuted and considered a threat. Right before today’s passage Jesus was rejected in his hometown. People were impressed by his words and deeds, but then they were offended by him (3). And right after today’s passage we see John the Baptist is arrested and later he would die a martyr (14-29). In this unfavorable, hostile setting Jesus sends out his twelve disciples. And he still sends us out today to our challenging world, but with the words of hope and encouragement.

You Are Not Alone!
The first message is this: “You are not alone!” Verse 7 says, “And he called the twelve and began to send them two by two…” They were not sent out by themselves. The gospel is a partnership. The church is a partnership. We are called to be with each other. We are called to be sent out together. It takes two. It takes a community to build God’s church, God’s kingdom.

Who will hold the ropes? William Carey, who is known as the father of modern missions, told his Christian friend Andrew Fuller before embarking on his missionary journey to India, “I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the rope.” Andrew Fuller did hold the rope. He organized, raised funds, prayed, equipped and sent missionaries. In the meantime he lost his first wife and eight of their eleven children. But he kept holding the ropes. We need people like Andrew Fuller who would hold the rope when needed. Whether we go down into the pit or stay outside of the pit, both sides must hold the rope tightly. We need each other. We are in this together.

This partnership is well described in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s progress. As the main character Christian embarks on his pilgrim journey, God sends his travel companion Faithful to him. After Faithful dies a martyr in the town of Vanity, God sends another new companion Hopeful to Christian, so that he could make the journey to the Celestial City. Christian’s wife, Christiana, who ridiculed Christian at first, but later repents and leads her four children on pilgrimage. God sends to Christiana good companions, Mercy and later Great heart. There are times when we feel like we are the only one left, we are the only one who holds the rope. Even that moment we are not alone. I love Lanny Wolfe’s hymn, “Someone Is Praying for You.” The lyrics go something like this:

Someone is praying for you
Someone is praying for you
So when it seems you’re all alone
And your heart will break in two
Remember someone is praying for you

Here someone might be your spouse, or your Christian friend. But ultimately, someone is the Holy Spirit who prays for us with groans too deep for words (Romans 8:26). Someone is Jesus who is with us always. Let us remember our Lord Jesus himself saying, “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt 28:20b). We are not alone!

You Have Authority!
The second message of encouragement is, “You have authority.” As Jesus sends out his disciples, he gives them authority over the unclean spirits (7). He gives them power to deal with the evil opposition. So today we don’t just go out with our own strength and wisdom and try to attract more people to the church. We are sent out with divine authority. We go out in the name of Jesus, as his voice and action, with his divine power. Matthew 28:19-20 is well known verses as the Great Commission to all followers of Jesus: “Therefore go, make disciples… baptize them and teach them.” But we need to remember the reason why we are able to do all this. In verse 18 Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go!” In other words, because Jesus has all authority and gives us authority, we can go out to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them with that divine authority. Remember authority is given to you. Take that authority, and go out and live with Jesus’ authority!

You Have a Story to Tell!
The third message of hope and encouragement is this: “You have a story to tell.” Verse 12 says, “So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent.” To repent means to turn – turn around in our attitudes, motives and objectives of life and turn to God. To repent means to live life God’s way, not my own way. Repentance is the first step toward the kingdom of God. It’s the starting point in our relationship with God. There is an important point here. Jesus commands his disciples not only to preach repentance, but also to live a life of repentance first. They travel light (no extra bread, bag, money, and so on), endure hardships, are kind to unkind people, pray for them to cast out demons and anoint the sick with oil. So through their God-centered lifestyle of repentance (“Not my will, but your will be done!”) the twelve apostles lead people to repentance. In 1 Corinthians 4:11-13 another faithful apostle, Paul, shares his lifestyle of repentance in this way: “To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it. When we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to his moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.” Paul was hated by many. But ironically, by living this lifestyle, he did point and lead many to Christ.

Be the Gospel!
We, as a church, is called to be a repentant community. We are called not only to preach the gospel, but also to be the gospel. As I close, I would like to share the story of Sundar Singh, a Hindu convert to Christianity, who became a missionary to his people in India. Late one afternoon Sadhu was traveling on foot through the Himalayas with his travel companion. It was bitterly cold. Suddenly, they stumbled upon a man who had fallen and badly hurt. The companion said, “Don’t stop. Let us hurry on before we, too, perish.” Then without looking back, he set off down the path. Sundar Singh lifted the man on his back and carried on his journey. Soon it began to snow. With great difficulty, but with the help of God he made his way through the deepening snow and darkness. As he was approaching a village, he saw another frozen dead body, that was his companion, who had left ahead by himself. Later Sundar Singh reflects and says, “The exertion of carrying him and the contact of our bodies had created enough heat to save us both. This is the way of service. No one can live without the help of others, and in helping others, we receive help ourselves."

We live in challenging times as a church. Like Sundar Singh, we see great needs within and without the church, but we don’t feel like we have power to carry on. It seems difficult days are ahead of the church. But there is hope! Let us be encouraged by the words of Jesus Christ and the example of his disciples. We are not called to be successful, but to be faithful. Let us faithfully hold the ropes. We are called to be partners to each other. Children are not our burden. Seniors are not our burden. Missionaries are not our burden. People in need and in distress are not our burden. We are all called to be partners to each other. We are given to each other. Let us go out two by two. And in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit let us carry those who need help on our back, love them, lead them to Christ. By doing this, we will live. “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (Rom 10:15b)

[1] George Barna, “Survey: Christians are not spreading the gospel,”
[2] For more details, please refer to Lynn McMillon’s “Beyond Numbers, A Real Crisis of Faith,”

Sunday, July 1, 2018

“Bring Life” (Mark 5:25-34) - Healing Hands I –

12 Years a Slave 
12 years is a long time. There is a film, based on a true story, titled “12 Years a Slave.” It is a story about a free African-American, Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped in Washington D.C. in 1841 and sold into slavery. He was put to work on plantations in the state of Louisiana for 12 years before being released. For Solomon, I am sure those 12 years in slavery must have been painfully long, like a thousand years.

In today’s scripture, we meet a woman who has been suffering from chronic, constant bleeding for 12 years. At that time, those who had that kind of disease were considered as ritually unclean (cf. Lev 15:25-33). They were discharged from their community. So, for 12 years, this woman suffered greatly. Not only did she suffer physically, but also she suffered socially, and psychologically. She was treated like a leper. She was basically excluded from all normal social relations. The stigma of loser, like the scarlet letter, always followed her wherever she went. She had already used every possible means to be healed and remove that stigma. But it didn’t work, but only got worse. She was desperate. But then, one day she heard about Jesus. When Jesus was passing by, she slipped in from behind and touched his robe, believing, “If I can just touch his robe, I can get well.” And she did!

My Journey to Healing
Later, Jesus called the woman and said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.” Here the literal translation of the Hebrew text is like this: “Your faith has saved you.” In many cases, Jesus’ healing is much more than just physical. He calls the woman, “Daughter.” He restores her as his beloved child. Before, her name was wounded, outcast, lonely, afraid. But now, her new name is beloved, daughter, friend of God. Jesus changes our name. He gives us new identity. His healing leads us to wholeness, friendship and salvation. His healing brings us to himself.

For me personally, I see myself in this woman. I grew up in pastor’s family. I got so used to the church thing and God. But I didn’t know Jesus. I did believe there is God. But I was not sure whether I had any personal relationship with him. But when I was in the army, I was sent to East Timor as the UN Peace Keeping Forces. There I fell ill with an endemic disease, called, “Dengue Fever.” I got delirious, and my whole body was covered with a rash. I was in a critical condition. I was desperate. I knelt down and prayed, “God, if you save my life, I will humbly live for you for life.” Then, I felt asleep. And when I got up early next morning, I realized I was healed completely. Then I had strong desire to know more about Jesus. That healing did bring me to Christ. For the first time, I read the Bible cover to cover. That’s how my journey to healing began.

Even though I was physically healed, I was still suffering from the illness of the mind, a sense of failure – “I am not good enough.” You see my grandfather was a great pastor. God used him in mighty ways. But I was not like him. I always fell short of people’s expectations. In particular, I fell short of my father’s expectations. For more than 12 years, I had prayed for the gift of speaking in tongues, which was very common among Korean churches. I had prayed for God’s anointing. But nothing seemed to happen to me. I felt like God didn’t care for me. I felt abandoned. In 2008 my wife and I attended prayer conference. One night after service, there was a time of prayer. The speaker and some other leaders were praying for those who came forward. For some prayer of healing, and for others prophetic prayer. I didn’t say anything to the person praying for me. But the very first word of the prayer was this, “My son, I already anointed you. And you already have the gift of speaking in tongues.” I began to speak in tongues. Then I realized whether I speak in tongues or not does not really matter. What matters most is God knows me inside and out. He loves me. That night God healed my wounded heart. And he still heals me and everyone who believes today.

Touch and Be Touched
In today’s passage Jesus was willing to be touched and to “defile” himself for her sake, so that she might become “clean” and “whole.” The Bible says, “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (Matt 8:17). He was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten, so we could be whole. He was whipped, so we could be healed. Love is costly. Jesus said to the woman, “Go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” This is not simply a word of dismissal. Here he was saying, “Daughter, I will take up your wounds, your weaknesses, your diseases. I will take away your sins and die in your place, so that you may be healed, set free, and live the abundant life in me.”

What we need is faith – faith that only Jesus can change me, heal me, and make me whole. The woman was reluctant at first, but later, she was willing to come forward and tell Jesus and everyone that she needed healing (33). How about you? Are you willing to confess that you need healing? This morning you are invited to come forward to the altar rail and touch the robe of Jesus. [Our prayer team and myself will pray for you with anointing.]

One more thing. I want to draw your attention to the importance of intercession – praying for your beloved ones. Today’s story is sandwiched between the story of Jairus. He came to plead with Jesus for his 12-year old daughter. And she was raised from the dead, because of her father’s faith. On another occasion a paralytic was carried by four men – probably his close friends or family. When they could not get in, they removed the roof above Jesus. And when Jesus saw their faith, he healed the man. So this morning we are also invited to come forward not only as a person who needs healing, but also as an intercessor. Now come and be healed!