Sunday, February 28, 2016

"Second Chances" - 3rd Sunday in Lent (Family Worship) -

This morning I brought this potted tree from pastor’s office. As you see, it is used for ornamental purposes. I don’t expect this tree to yield fruit and satisfy my hunger. Each tree has a purpose. Some produce beautiful flowers. Some provide shade. Some are used for pulp to make paper and other material. Some provide us with fruit!

The Parable of the Fig Tree
In today’s passage Jesus tells us the parable of the fig tree. Fig trees are an excellent fruit tree. In the story a man planted a fig tree in his vineyard. And he waited for three years. Normally, for a fig tree it takes about 1-2 years to bear fruit if it has proper level of nitrogen and good watering conditions.[1] Three years signifies that the fig tree had enough time to produce fruit. But there weren’t any figs on the tree. So the owner said to the gardener, “Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?” Now, the gardener said, “Master, give this fig tree one more year. I will dig the soil around so that water can flow easily to the roots. Then I will give it fertilizer. Maybe it will produce fruit next year. If not, then you can cut it down.”

In the parable the owner is God. The gardener is Jesus. And we are the fig tree. Each of us is planted in God’s garden. Jesus provides everything for us to grow and bear fruit. His grace is enough! But there are times when we don’t respond to his grace. We don’t live up to his expectations as his beloved children. We turn to our own way. Then, what happens? God gives us another second chance. Jesus, the Gardener, takes extra special care of us to grow and finally bear much fruit in our lives.

A God of Second Chances
I see myself in the parable of the barren fig tree. In 2001 I was discharged from the army. During my military service, I received proficiency pay because I served as UNPKF in East Timor. I had some money. After the military, I was planning to go to Canada to study English and to travel around. But I found out that the church my parents were serving was in turmoil. A new church building was under construction. There was a group of people who were against it and caused problems. There was huge dissension in the church. My parents, especially my dad as a pastor, had a really hard time – emotionally, spiritually, and financially. When I shared my plan to go to Canada for six months, my dad said to me, “It sounds like a good plan. But now is not a good time. And also, I need your help. Please stay with us.” But I said to him something like this, “No, I don’t want to get involved in it. I want to go.” And I left. Of course, they provided everything that I needed while I was in Canada. As I look back, it was a selfish, immature, and unchristian decision. When I came back home, as always they welcomed me with big, wide open arms. They gave me a second chance to do a fresh start.

Our God is a God of second chances! There are times when our hearts are so hardened, and we don’t respond to his grace. But God never gives up. He pours out his lavish love to change our hearts and our lives. He takes extra special care of us until we are transformed. Jesus the Gardener said to God, “Give him/her one more chance. I will help him/her to bear fruit.” And what did he do? He laid down his life for us. Jesus himself became our fertilizer and water for life. The cross of Christ is the perfect love of God toward us. Our hearts are never changed by the law, by prophecy, or by signs and wonders. But when we come and see the cross of Christ, our hearts are melt, softened, and transformed. The Bible says, “So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived.”(Nm 21:9). This is God’s promise. Whoever does come and look at the cross of Christ and believe in him has new life! (John 3:19). The Cross of Christ is like circus safety net. We may stumble, but will never fall, because the Lord holds us by the hand with his steadfast love (Ps. 37:24). We don’t need to ask God to show us the sign of his love. All we have to do is to come back and look at the cross. His love is the same yesterday, today, and forever! His love has transforming power! He gives us power to change our hearts and lives!

Jesus says, “If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Jesus provides everything we need. Our part is to remain in him. Let me ask you this practical question: “What do you need to remain constantly in Christ?” There are many ways. But if you asked me that question, my answer is “Bible memorization.” It was Monday. There was an incident that made me upset. I felt hurt. I sat down and examined my soul why I was hurt. It was because I was not properly recognized. My need for approval was frustrated. Then, one Scripture passage came to mind: “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mt 20:28). This passage did bring me home. I wrote it down to memorize. And on the same day I’ve got a letter from one of my previous church members. Somehow she studied Korean and reads Our Daily Bread in Korean. With her loving card, she attached one particular day’s meditation. Guess what? The verse of the day was the same verse that I just memorized. That was a reassurance from God: who I am and how to live. Scripture memorization really helps me to remain in Christ moment-by-moment. What about you? What is your action plan to remain in Christ in order to bear fruit? You may find a sticky note in your bulletin. Please think about it, and write at least one thing to remain in Christ and bear fruit. As you reflect on it, I will sing a hymn, “I need thee every hour.” When you are done, feel free to join me in singing. Later I will invite you come forward and put yours on “Fig Tree’s Second Chance” board.

Lord, your love endures forever! In your great love our grace period is extended. But from today’s parable, we learned that it is only for a limited time. Holy Spirit, you are speaking to each of us: The time to repent is now. The time to change our hearts and lives is now. The time to give our life to Christ and begin really living for Christ is now. The time to bear fruit is now! Because we may not have another second chance. Lord, give us desire and strength to live out your word and bear much fruit. Amen.


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